Language services


Language services


  • Interpreting
  • Translations

Interpreting services are Fairmesse’s core business. Our staff are 
accurately selected and linguistically tested by Senior Interpreters 
who have worked with us for several years.
Our collaborators have all graduated from an Interpreting Degree 
Course for each of the languages we use. 
They are trained professional for simultaneous, consecutive and chuchotage translations and are able to manage all linguistic areas in technical conferences, trade fairs, public relation meetings and businnes negotiations.

We provide interpreters for companies, for simultaneous translation during conferences, for consecutive during meetings, for press conferences, interviews, shows and in courthouses.


We can translate any kind of text: promotional leaflets, Din/Iso regulations, technical handbooks, legal documents, emails and websites, commercial letters, contracts, informative material, patent certificates. Besides, we check and revise drafts and translations provided by others. 

We work exclusively with professional mother tongue translators. 

We can provide translations into many languages, from the most common ones (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese) to rarer ones such as Chinese, Japanese, Arab, Greek, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Bulgarian, Lettonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Hungarian, Serbo-croatian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and many more, if necessary.

After translating texts, we make sure they undergo a definite final check by revision specialists, thus offering our clients excellent and totally error free products. We provide translations via all IT supports, in a very short time and at highly competitive rates.

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New location in Milan


In the center of Italian economy, waiting for Expo2015.

Fairmesse opens a new office, in Via Torino 51, very close to Piazza del Duomo.


Fairmesse - Via Oreste Regnoli, 3 - Forlì - Tel +39 0543 1796223 - Email - P.IVA 01571490380
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